Fall Update: Wheat, Firepit, Pond
Veronica's classes went to the Learning Garden this Fall.
A thick crop of wheat was planted in the Celtic Spiral/Labrynth.
Why wheat? Canada is the world's sixth largest supplier of wheat. Wheat is historically considered a kind of 'untouchable' crop - a non-GMO crop. In 2004 Canadian farmers opposed Monsanto's bid to introduce GMO wheat. In May 2013, illegally contaminated GMO wheat was found in the US. We would not want to see wheat go the way of Canola.
Last July we reported that inconsistencies around current Canadian Wheat policy includes:
- Federal port transportation problems
- Ottawa has taken Canadian wheat breeding away from farmers, and handed over the genetic data to theprivate sector.
- Up until now, Canada has held an excellent reputation in world wheat.
- And other inconsistencies...including...
- UPDATE!. . the dismantling of the Canadian Wheat Board, a case in the Supreme Court of Canada to reimburse Canadian Wheat Farmers, and inconsistencies around allocation of funds.
In future, food prices will rise, globally.
For all of these reasons and more, the Learning Garden supports organic, non-GMO Canadian wheat growing. We plan to cultivate a curriculum that explores wheat as a food staple, an historical sacred treasure, and as a beautiful, food-bearing grass.
Imagine the Celtic Spiral filled with wheat come Springtime.
The Firepit
Michael Marchand, Okanagan teacher, also gave his annual talk to the students at the Firepit (a co-creation between Mike and Okanagan artist Kevin Witzke). The Firepit, an exploration of the En'owkin Four Food Chiefs, reminds teachers of their potential, hidden depth and power to make positive contributions to the life-cycle. Thanks for the ongoing inspiration, Mike.
The Old Pond continues to attract wildlife and a wide variety of water plants and
traditional reeds.
Students put the Learning Garden to bed for winter.
Students filled the composter.
Produce was harvested and brought to the Kelowna Food Bank.
Thanks all.