Learning Garden Rise and Fall...and..Rise?
Dear Good Friends of the Garden,
I returned from a study sabbatical in London, England to find a few surprises in the garden...
The original boxes were gone/bulldozed...
...to install a new geothermal system (the green posts) that will heat/cool the Education building.
The blasted noise issue (emitted from the sustainable hot air sucker, also at the Ed building) has been dealt with (mostly).
We can hear each other better now.
The Pond is still there.
As is The First Nations Fire-pit.
From this base, we will begin again...with more indigenous plant species, more learning about how to grow food in a drought region, and more visits from local school students.
Thank you to everyone who has contributed their support to the garden over the past seven years, in so many ways.
Thank you to everyone who has contributed their support to the garden over the past seven years, in so many ways.
Thank you to yet another good, kind, adventurous middle school teacher education cohort 2013-14, more wonder awaits.
Since we first started the Learning Garden in 2006, more, and more serious issues affecting environmental systems have arisen. Talked about much more openly in the UK and Europe. In Canada, Neil Young speaks.
Since we first started the Learning Garden in 2006, more, and more serious issues affecting environmental systems have arisen. Talked about much more openly in the UK and Europe. In Canada, Neil Young speaks.
More soon.
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